Happy Saturday everyone, It’s Jordan here with our final TV Preview for the week, and it’s an absolute belter!
Join Barbara Gray & Paul Church tomorrow for the launch of the MUCH ANTICIPATED new Pergamano Handbook for Multi-Needle Tools: Volume Two. It’s bigger and overflowing with inspiration and tuition, the likes of which you’re only going to read from a master of the craft, Linda Williams! And let’s not forget to mention the amazing launch price; You won’t believe it!
You can catch them Sunday 27th October 2019 at 6pm & 8pm, or Monday 28th October at 9am, 1pm & 5pm.
Take a look below at 3 fantastic samples from design team member Gail Sydenham –
There are a couple of fancy new Groovi Plates on the show, too, so you’ll want to settle down, get the craft kit out and follow along for some incredible new tutorials and parchment piercing lessons.
Sound good? We’ll see you there.
Tomorrow, we’ll wrap up the week with a little recap and take a look at the coming week’s activities.
Clarity Matters. It really does.
Until next time, everyone.
Jordan x